Passion & Dedication


Current work, personal projects and exciting announcements.

I got home a few days ago from my week long trip to Vegas for the annual WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) convention. I'm still reeling and so overwhelmed by one specific workshop I signed up for. I wasn't even planning on taking...

#FeelGoodBloggingChallenge . Day Five of Alex Beadon’s “Feel Good Blogging Challenge” . I absolutely LOVE this video created by The Department of Peace. Please watch: How inspiring was that? Written by the fabulous Miss Lesley Gore a mere 50 years ago, and it still really rings true! Please, ladies: Remember to...

#FeelGoodBloggingChallenge Why do I do what I do? I am passionate about women. Plain and simple. I want women to feel beautiful and loved and worthy. In high school I took some photography classes. I learned my way around a dark room & how to develop my own...

#FeelGoodBloggingChallenge   So, I have to decided to join Alex Beadon's 7 day "Feel Good Blogging Challenge"! Check out what this is all about by CLICKING HERE. This is Day One. Here we go!   1. Who are you? Hello there! I am Elizabeth Zimmerman, your friendly neighborhood boudoir photographer! ;) Photo...

   This is a more personal post…but it pertains to women in general as well. So, here goes.   There is an unspoken truth among us women, I've found.   I've found this because I am now one of the unlucky women that have discovered this truth for myself.   What's worse...