Current work, personal projects and exciting announcements.
HMUA: Unleashed by Lauren Wardrobe Stylist + Photographer: Elizabeth Zimmerman
I put out a model call for curvy, gorgeous women and Amanda was one of the first to respond. It was a huge deal that she was volunteering to model because she's normally very modest & shy...but she felt like she needed to do something wild and unexpected -- something outside of her comfort zone. She had just suffered a major trauma. Her husband, and father of her 2 sons, abandoned them very unexpectedly. It was a huge shock and really tested her. But, since then, she has grown so incredibly much. I admire her, as a woman and as a mama.
As for her boudoir session with me -- I applaud her bravery! She truly knocked it out of the park!!
HMUA: Ashley Zieba of Madame Me Makeup and Hair Wardrobe Stylist & Photographer: Elizabeth Zimmerman
This past fall I went out to California to teach a mini makeshift workshop on shooting boudoir. While there, I had the pleasure of meeting, and shooting, a gorgeous mama that had the same worries as every mom I've worked with --
HMUA + Model: Unleashed by Lauren Wardrobe Stylist: Bethany Baker Photographer: Elizabeth Zimmerman I met Lauren a few years ago at Ulta. My sister and I walked in hoping to get "color matched" so that we could find some foundation. The moment I saw her I was immediately...
It's common for artists to become a bit burnt out over time. To squash that possibility, most of us make sure to work on side/personal project in our down time...
HMUA: Molly Makeup Wardrobe Stylist: Nekeida Pierce Photographer: Elizabeth Zimmerman She walked past me, in that smoky Austin karaoke bar and I literally felt a magnetic pull toward her. I immediately walked over to her and yelled, over the bad singing, that I was a boudoir photographer and...
This is a letter to my fellow photographers...
So, I randomly logged into my Facebook today and the first thing I saw was a post in this awesome women's business group I'm in called The Moxie Entrepenuer, led by the incredible Bronwyn Martin of Brand Moxie. It was asking us to step out...
I am blessed with an incredibly loving, supportive, strong & encouraging husband. Just 3 weeks ago I left town for a week in Vegas for WPPI. He stayed home and held down the fort -- with no complaints at all. A few months ago I...
I got home a few days ago from my week long trip to Vegas for the annual WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) convention. I'm still reeling and so overwhelmed by one specific workshop I signed up for. I wasn't even planning on taking...
#FeelGoodBloggingChallenge WARNING: This is emotional. Today is Day Six of Alex Beadon's "Feel Good Blogging Challenge". She asked us to write a vulnerable story about ourselves...
#FeelGoodBloggingChallenge . Day Five of Alex Beadon’s “Feel Good Blogging Challenge” . I absolutely LOVE this video created by The Department of Peace. Please watch: How inspiring was that? Written by the fabulous Miss Lesley Gore a mere 50 years ago, and it still really rings true! Please, ladies: Remember to...
#FeelGoodBloggingChallenge Day Four of Alex Beadon's "Feel Good Blogging Challenge" asked me to post 10 things about me most people don't know! Here we go: Uno I am an avid nail polish collector although I very rarely paint my own nails. (...