28 Jun Ms S | Maternity Boudoir | Austin Boudoir Photography
Have you ever considered booking a maternity boudoir shoot? It’s such an incredibly special time and is really so fleeting . Of course, when you’re pregnant it can sometimes feel like it’s taking forever to finally meet that sweet baby, but afterwards you realize how fast time really does fly.
One of my biggest regrets is not having done a maternity shoot with my first pregnancy… I did with my second, but would love to have photos from that very first time. The thing is – every single pregnancy is so different. You feel different, emotionally. You typically start showing differently and maybe your tummy is hanging a bit lower or higher than before. It’s just all so different.
When Ms S first inquired about her maternity shoot, she literally did it all exactly right! She started looking into it right after finding out she was pregnant so we had plenty of time to get her in. I always recommend shooting your maternity session around 32 to 34 weeks along. That’s when you’re definitely showing and obviously pregnant. You also still feel relatively good and can pose for a couple of hours.
This also gives you the chance to set up a Pre-Session Payment Plan if you’d like to. You can book months into the future and pay off what you really want over time. It’s just like layaway. It makes doing this luxury investment & experience attainable for everyone.
Let’s start planning your session NOW!

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