I had the honor of being a featured sponsor on opening night of the "Shameless Dames" show this past April. "Shameless Dames" is an Austin, TX improv show based on "Broad City", the incredible Comedy Central hit. Sam Schak, a former Torrid Boudoir client, the co-founder of "Shameless Dames", contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in sponsoring a bad ass, female empowerment show she helped create.
It's about time for me to introduce the newest addition to my family.
And....It's a GIRL!
We had a baby girl! We waited to find out the sex again and I am so glad we did. We'd hoped and prayed for a little girl to complete our family...of course a boy would've been absolutely amazing as well. Here she is. Miss Ani Rain...
  These last few months have been a whirlwind, I tell ya! I'm in my 8th month of pregnancy and am soooo not ready to have this baby yet! Ha! We've been so busy I'm afraid I haven't really relaxed at all and enjoyed being pregnant. I haven't had a choice, though. My family decided to buy my parents house...that they've lived in for 25+ years. The house I grew up in. It's a gorgeous home and we are so excited and blessed for the opportunity.

HMUA: Unleashed by Lauren Wardrobe Stylist + Photographer: Elizabeth Zimmerman

I put out a model call for curvy, gorgeous women and Amanda was one of the first to respond. It was a huge deal that she was volunteering to model because she's normally very modest & shy...but she felt like she needed to do something wild and unexpected -- something outside of her comfort zone. She had just suffered a major trauma. Her husband, and father of her 2 sons, abandoned them very unexpectedly. It was a huge shock and really tested her. But, since then, she has grown so incredibly much. I admire her, as a woman and as a mama.

As for her boudoir session with me -- I applaud her bravery! She truly knocked it out of the park!!

HMUA: Unleashed by Lauren Wardrobe Stylist: Meggie Copeland Photographer: Elizabeth Zimmerman I met Robyn, "Beau", through a friend and was SO excited to shoot her boudoir session. I knew she was nervous but she really went with it and gave it her all. By the time we were 15 minutes in she was taking direction on poses and which emotions to exude so perfectly. It was incredible. The whole team had so much fun. We were silly, laughing and also just being super sexy together! So fun!!!!!!

  So, I randomly logged into my Facebook today and the first thing I saw was a post in this awesome women's business group I'm in called The Moxie Entrepenuer, led by the incredible Bronwyn Martin of Brand Moxie. It was asking us to step out...

I got home a few days ago from my week long trip to Vegas for the annual WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) convention. I'm still reeling and so overwhelmed by one specific workshop I signed up for. I wasn't even planning on taking...