31 Dec 2017: Year In Review | Austin Boudoir Photography
2017, cheers to you!!
What a wonderful year it has been. This has been my first full year of shooting out of my own residential studio, with our incredible wardrobe closet. I’ve been the busiest I’ve ever been and have already booked out next year into July! It’s amazing!
I’ve flown to Vegas during the WPPI conference in February where I was able to see my beautiful friends and make new ones. I’ve driven to Dallas to see my “Backseat Cookies” and even got matching BFF cookie tattoos.

These are women I would have never known if it hadn’t been for boudoir photography. Tamara Paskey, Jen Swedhin and me.
I flew to Nashville and stayed at my friend’s gorgeous boudoir studio. We talked about business, ate some fucking incredible food at Monell’s and had some much needed girl bonding time.
I’ve attended the AIBP annual retreat in Miami last month where I met even more new friends. I’ve taken my family on little trips in Texas and have even booked a family cruise for this coming up February!
I will also be treating my Beauty Team to a trip to Vegas in February during WPPI. I am so excited to spoil them some…show them how much I appreciate their hard work and dedication. They pour their hearts into the work we do and truly help our lovely clients embrace the experience to the fullest.
TEAM TORRID BOUDOIR: Elizabeth Zimmerman, Sarah Swofford, Lauren Torres & Meggie Copeland
One of my top goals for 2018, aside from paying off debt, is to take my husband to Australia for our anniversary in October! YAY!
#manifesting #makingthingshappen #goals
I took some time over the last week or so — and realllllllly struggled — to choose my own personal favorites from the year, from each session. And only the sessions WITH model releases, so I couldn’t include them all but…
Just wow!
I know, without a doubt, that 2018 will hold many wonderful memories as well. I am so incredibly blessed to do what I do. I can’t describe how I feel to know that women put their trust in me the way they do. That they choose to be vulnerable and take risks and step outside their comfort zone, all while I get to hold their hand. That’s just amazing to me.
You know, years ago, before becoming a mama, I went to school to be a therapist. I couldn’t decide between recreation therapy, where I’d teach people with disabilities how to access their community, how to socialize and play, essentially, OR to get my certification in chemical dependency counseling.
In the end I chose to be a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. I loved my work. I loved my clients and I was fulfilled. But I can honestly say, without a doubt, that the work I do now is also a huge form of therapy. With each woman I get to meet and photograph in this very intimate way, *I* grow and am vulnerable and emotional right along with them.
To my beautiful clients:
From the bottom of my heart — THANK YOU. You have no idea how much you mean to me and how much you’ve changed my life. I love you.
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